Two bits of context: 1. I’ve just wrapped up the class portion to become a South Dakota Master Naturalist. 2. For about a year, I’ve been meeting weekly with three friends for church/life/discipleship group. Two of those girls are moving away. I will miss them dearly.
These are notes on nature and on friendship, and it all kinda overlaps.
I’m pulled outside of myself. I’m the most myself I’ve felt in a long while. This special combination, this time of life.
Editor, Illustrator, Lingerer
When to Wear a Turtleneck
Inspired by thrifting finds. Extra fun because I get to share cute drawings from Bailey!
Wear a turtleneck…
Nature Notes
“As you can imagine, life for reptiles and amphibians on the prairie can be remarkably difficult, especially during harsh winters. This week’s journal entry is about putting yourself in their place as winter is falling on the South Dakota landscape. Pick a reptile or amphibian, and in their “voice” imagine what process you might go through to prepare to survive sub-zero temperatures, thick snow cover, and frozen waterways. This can be a poetic reflection or a factual geek session.” -South Dakota Master Naturalist assignment, 4/19/22
This process feels very South Dakotan. We emerge when warmth returns!
Human Nature notes
Hi Taylor, hi Hope! I love you! I think these journally drawings are funny juxtaposed with the existing planner phrases. (It’s this planner, I love it)
Thank you for reading this month. I hope you’re noticing special things around you.
We must risk delight.
🤎, Ten